Hire a girlfriend

rent a friend
Hire a friend
10. February 2021
lie detector
Manipulating the lie detector
10. February 2021
rent a friend
Hire a friend
10. February 2021
lie detector
Manipulating the lie detector
10. February 2021

A real girlfriend can’t be bought! This is true in principle, but sometimes there are situations in life where you wish to be able to hire a girlfriend. If you have been desperately looking for such a possibility, or you previously believed that you can’t hire a girlfriend, you’ll probably be surprised: We, the Swiss agency Freiraummanager, offer exactly this service to our clients!

Many of our customers have been using the exceptional service we offer for over 2 decades, for example when it comes to creating a waterproof alibi or gaining more freedom for their own lifestyle. Often it is personal emergencies that cause our clients to hire a friend to find a way out of a difficult situation. But also because of age or a disability, it can be a good option for the person concerned to hire a girlfriend in order to finally be able to reconnect socially or participate in social life. Through a rental friend, new freedoms can be created that help to make social contacts or to expand one’s own mobility and thus also the contact with the outside world.

The importance of a girlfriend – often underestimated

For many men and women, a good friend is the most important contact person ever. She listens in all situations of life, always has an open ear for grief and distress and often one goes together with the best friend through thick and thin – in good times as well as in bad times. You go out together, spend time together and you stand by each other when things don’t go quite so well.

In addition, a close friend is a counselor, a secret bearer and often also an alibi donor or an “accomplice” when you are stuck. Whether best buddy or best friend – probably everyone knows the situation that one has already covered one another with one or the other small – or even big – lie in the circle of friends. These examples highlight the importance of having good friends around you to rely on.

But you don’t always have a real girlfriend by your side or, for a variety of reasons, you need the support of another person who appears as a friend. Renting a girlfriend can therefore be extremely helpful in many situations. In the following examples we will go into more detail about some real customer orders in which our clients were helped by a rented girlfriend.

Rent an alibi girlfriend – as a way out of a difficult situation

At first, you might think that only people want to hire a girlfriend who don’t have friendships in real life. But that is not true. Most of the time, it is a question of having an alibi donor, whose support is to evade an unpleasant situation or with the help of which one can create more freedom for oneself.

Men and women rent an alibi girlfriend e.g. for these reasons:

  • He or she was (almost) caught jumping off the sidelines or having a secret affair. The renter gives an alibi for this time, so that the stranger’s going does not fly up or can be denied as a witness by the support of the rent girlfriend.
  • Gay men pretend to have a heterosexual relationship with a rented girlfriend so that they do not suffer professional and social disadvantages.
  • Men hire a friend as a social companion so as not to show up alone or get bored during a business trip.
  • A rented friend also acts as a presentable partner of a man when the family is annoyed with the constant question of a partner.

The rental girlfriend – the better alibi girlfriend!

Especially when it comes to getting a credible alibi, it’s usually the safest solution to resort to a girlfriend for rent instead of asking a real girlfriend to give an alibi. On the one hand, you do not put your best friend in a conflict of conscience. On the other hand, you do not make yourself extortionate. Unfortunately, it often happens that in a dispute between girlfriends, the former alibi is used as a means of exerting pressure. It can also happen that your real girlfriend, who is moving in your personal environment, is chattering after years and so the fake alibi could still fly.

When communicating an actress to our customers, we make every point that she does not come from the same city, so that chance encounters can be reliably ruled out. This contributes to the fact that your alibi remains a well-kept secret in the long term!

Sidestep refuted by alibi: Girlfriend hire

Women, like men, turn to us because they have had a side step and it is now threatening to blow up. For example, because the lady was seen in the city or in a hotel and it is assumed that the observer could tell the woman’s partner. If you are in this delicate situation and if you want to prevent your friend or husband from learning about your sidestep or even your affair, you can hire a friend from the agency Freiraummanager, who gives you a stick-proof alibi.

We provide you with a professional actress who slips into the previously agreed role of your girlfriend or work colleague and acts as an alibi donor to your partner or husband. The booked actress confirms your truth and helps you save your relationship. To add credibility to your factual alibi, it’s possible to use edited photos or presentable documents to create additional evidence that you can provide to your partner.

As an alibi agency, we now look back on more than 20 years of experience and have built up a large network of partners. This includes real companies that, for example, confirm participation in a seminar in writing. For example, you can pretend to your partner that you have attended a workshop with your rented girlfriend or work colleague on that day, so you cannot be seen in the city or in the hotel. Simply present the certificate of participation and let your alibi girlfriend confirm the facts.

Affair ended: Renting new girlfriend for ex-partner

You look back on an ended affair, but your husband is still jealous of your former lover? Or your husband is jealous for no reason because you spend a lot of time with a purely Platonic friend? Then you should hire a girlfriend to convince your husband that there is nothing (more) going on.

End your partner’s jealousy by hiring an attractive girlfriend for the man who is jealous. Invite guests to a party. Among others, your former lover – of course accompanied by his new (rented) girlfriend. Or we organize a chance meeting for you, between your husband and your ex-lover with his new girlfriend.

Hide homosexuality & present girlfriend

Although modern society always calls for acceptance and tolerance, reality unfortunately shows a different picture. For gay men, sexual orientation can lead to professional and social disadvantages and even cause family exclusion.

  • When a gay couple appears to visit the apartment, the two men usually receive a friendly rejection from the landlord or broker. A successful businessman must fear for his professional career if he professes his same-sex love or if his homosexuality flies to the employer.
  • There are still parents who cannot or do not want to accept their son’s homosexuality. Instead of taking their own adult child as it is, they banish their son from the family.

Every person should be allowed to organise his life freely without having to experience disadvantages due to his own sexuality. Nevertheless, gay men choose not to out, but to keep their sexuality and love for another man secret. But this usually means appearing alone at corporate events such as Christmas celebrations or company anniversary as well as at family celebrations. Even if the invitation is issued with an accompanying person. However, those who regularly appear alone are constantly exposed to annoying questions and speculations about private life, which can become a great emotional burden over time.

If you want to avoid the rumour kitchen and no longer have to answer indiscreet questions about your relationship status, hire a friend to accompany you to business lunches, company parties and other company events.

Of course, there is the possibility that you can get to know your charming companion in person before the next company event, in order to prepare the role of the actress as your relationship partner and to build up a certain familiarity. So you and your rental girlfriend look particularly authentic as a couple and everyone will believe you are your real girlfriend. No one in your professional environment will suspect that you are playing a relationship with a woman to hide your love for a man – neither your manager, your work colleagues, nor your family members!

You can also hire a girlfriend if you are looking for an apartment and you want to fake a “normal” heterosexual couple relationship with the landlord or real estate agent. Landlords and brokers often prefer housing applicants who conform to the traditional role model – because traditional prejudices and reservations still prevail against homosexuals.

Regardless of whether you want to convince your family, your work colleagues, your boss or the perhaps future landlord of your “middle-class” lifestyle, we put an attractive actress at your side whenever you need it as an alibi girlfriend. It doesn’t matter if you want to engage the actress once, repeatedly or over a longer period of time. Everything is possible with us!

As a woman rent an alibi girlfriend to have more time for herself

Your husband or partner crushes you with affection or even jealousy? Do you feel like you are locked up in the golden cage, because your partner wants to do everything together with you or massively denies you in your free life with his baseless jealousy?

Get more freedom with a girlfriend to rent. Imagine appointments, city walks, shopping trips or other joint ventures with a professional alibi by your fake girlfriend, in order to finally be able to do more alone again! Tailored to your personal situation, we design tailor-made alibis for you, which will give you more freedom.

For example, your rental girlfriend will pick you up at home at the agreed time and bring you home later. In the meantime, you can use the free time to do what you want. We can also make “spontaneous” calls or WhatsApp messages for you on agreed dates, so that you have a good excuse for your absence from home, if your partner is sniffing at you again and wants to know where and with whom you were travelling. On our page Phone and Chat Alibis you will find more information! (internal link).

Would you like to finally enjoy a holiday without your partner at your side? Pretend to want to travel with your girlfriend to make the dream of a holiday without your husband possible. We are happy to support you with edited photos as a waterproof alibi for the fake holiday together with your fake girlfriend. As an experienced alibi agency, we have the necessary personnel, as well as the necessary technical infrastructure, to give you the perfect alibi!

For social reasons rent girlfriend & enjoy life

As mentioned at the beginning, our customer orders are not always just about hiring a fake girlfriend for the purpose of a waterproof alibis. People often turn to our agency to book a person for social care for themselves or close relatives.

For example, if an elderly person is looking for a travel companion due to age-related infirmities or lack of travel experience, or if he or she is looking for a nice person for a pleasant company. This can best be explained by concrete examples from our more than 20 years of agency experience.

Girlfriend rent as travel companion of seniors

As they get older, women and men find it harder to organise a trip, to find their way around train stations, airports and the local destination on their own. This also applies, and in particular, when older people wish to travel abroad. Not only the linguistic hurdles have to be overcome, but often also the mobility at the place of travel.

Many older ladies and gentlemen forgo a holiday or a trip abroad because they do not dare to get along on their own. But together with a travel companion, it is usually no problem for older lords to travel safely.

If you cannot find a suitable travel companion in your own social environment, you can rent a friend or a friend for yourself, your father or your mother through the agency Freiraummanager. The person commissioned takes up the journey together and provides not only pleasant company but also valuable support for all organizational matters.

The travel partner accompanies during the trip on sightseeing tours, shopping, day trips and also cultural events and dinner. The escort also assists with check-in at the airport, when boarding and changing on the direct train as with all other matters that arise during the journey.

Although a friend can only be compared to a real girlfriend to a limited extent when renting, a pleasant coexistence arises, of course, even when you, or Your mother or father met with your friend for rent (internal link) or the girlfriend for rent in advance in order to get to know each other better before the start of the trip. So when you start your journey, you don’t feel like you’re travelling with a stranger.

Of course, when searching for a male or female travel companion, we take into account common interests, so that travelers and companions can quickly find a good connection to each other and can also be optimally exchanged intellectually during the trip. Therefore, please let us know what is important to you in relation to the accompanying person.

Nice company for older ladies and gentlemen in everyday life

Older people are often lonely in everyday life because they are restricted in their mobility and can no longer actively participate in social life, as they used to.

The fact that close friends and girlfriends die away in old age, that the adult children have to pursue their own obligations and have only limited time, contributes to loneliness in old age. Moreover, it is becoming increasingly difficult to make new friends as we get older.

Instead of being able to actively enjoy old age, older ladies and gentlemen are therefore often trapped and isolated in their homes or even in their retirement homes. There are few visits left and even rarer are the opportunities to leave the apartment for a few hours and enjoy the beautiful sides of life.

Just as you can hire a friend from us so that you don’t have to travel alone, it is also possible to engage a lady in everyday life. This accompanies you on trips to the city, to the theatre or spends a leisurely afternoon with you or your elderly father or elderly mother with a card game, coffee and cake or provides pleasant accompaniment on a short walk near the place of residence – just as it is feasible in old age in the individual situation.

If you would like to hire a girlfriend for yourself or a relative in order to make the end of your life more beautiful, please contact us. We advise you and help you find a nice female person who takes care of social commitment in order to fulfill this special wish. Renting a rental girlfriend is possible by appointment by the hour, once, occasionally or regularly!

Social contacts for the disabled & more freedom for carers

People with disabilities are similar to older ladies and gentlemen. Due to physical or mental limitations, disabled people often suffer social exclusion or isolation, because independent participation in social life is not easily possible.

As a rule, the health insurance funds only pay medically necessary services or those services that are necessary for physical care. Human care, meaningful employment and excursions are not usually part of the usual benefits, which is why disabled people usually lead a life in isolation. They have few opportunities to participate in normal life and therefore find it difficult to make real friends.

Meanwhile, carers rub shoulders to allow the carer to live as normal a life as possible. However, this also ensures that the energies disappear and that one as a nurturing hearing is left hardly any free time to go out or recover.

Especially carers often turn to us in order to hire a friend or girlfriend for the disabled child, the mother in need of care or the father in need of care by the hour, so that on the one hand some variety comes into the everyday life of the disabled person and on the other hand, in order to occasionally create a space for himself.

The rented girlfriend takes care of the disabled person for some time – completely individually as the physical or mental restriction allows. In the case of mild disabilities, for example, joint activities in the surrounding area are possible, which can also help the disabled person to make new social contacts or at least escape from the dreary everyday life for a few hours. However, the carer can take a little break from the responsible day-to-day care – free from a bad conscience! Because the rental friend takes care of exemplary and can inform at any time by phone in case of emergencies.

Rent girlfriend on business trips or in a new place of residence & not be alone!

Anyone who has been on a business trip or has moved to a foreign city, for example due to studies or job changes, also knows the feeling of being alone. Even in such cases, our range of services offers to rent a friend or to rent a girlfriend!

In our more than 20 years as an alibi agency, we have already learned from countless people how valuable it is to have a contact person with local knowledge at your disposal in a foreign place – whether during a business trip or when moving to a new home.

The contact person will help you to find your way around the new location, quickly get to know the best locations and get in touch with new people.

As a globally linked agency, thanks to our network of partners, we can provide you with ladies and gentlemen who are knowledgeable in the local area and are available to you as a partner, as a guide to going out and as a city guide or city guide. If you are planning a business trip or a move to a new location, please contact us so that we can find a suitable person for you.

Rent girlfriend & make life more livable

The above examples have already given you a good overview of the reasons why clients of our agency have decided to rent a girlfriend. If you miss a situation not mentioned here for which you would like to hire a girlfriend, do not be afraid to contact us. We are available to you by e-mail, phone call as well as via WhatsApp or in a personal conversation and advise you individually! It doesn’t matter what situation you are in right now – we will certainly find a good solution for you too!