The Alibiagentur was founded in 1999 by Stefan Eiben.
The Alibiagentur was founded in 1999 by Stefan Eiben. More than 20 years ago, the sincere businessman had the idea of helping people out of the clamp with some flunkers and waterproof alibis. Today, with the help of 1,600 freelancers around the world and more than 100 partner companies, the agency is even building real buildings of lies for years of double life. And very successfully.
In numerous tests, the agency is recommended by Stefan Eibe as the only one of its kind. This is no wonder, because in more than 20 years, the alibi agency has never had an alibi burst. Only the customers themselves sometimes decide to admit the truth at some point when the time is right.

Helping hands worldwide

Actors and specialists


Years of experience
The world’s first agency for alibis based in Germany
..knows how to master unexpected situations and helps its customers to keep their faces. After more than 20 years of professional experience, Stefan Eiben and his team can no longer surprise a customer enquiry.
Problems cannot always be solved by alibi services. However, it guarantees that valuable time is gained for the customer and some people can be helped to draw from compromising situations with an immaculate reputation or to spare family members in delicate moments.
„I’ve never regretted helping someone through an alibi.“ Stefan Eiben

What does an alibi agency do?
As an alibi agency, we deal with a variety of problems. Small and larger deceptions are our specialty. The reasons why people turn to us are manifold and personal. We don’t always know the background to why someone needs false evidence or a call at the right time. Only when it is necessary for the execution of an order, we ask for details. Our customers do not have to justify themselves with us either. On the contrary, we have this very reason: we prevent people who turn to us from continuing to justify themselves to others.
For this purpose, we offer a large number of personalized services. These include false lie detector tests, a secret second life, letters and postcards, documents, work documents, strategic phone calls and the involvement of actors. As an alibi agency, we organize both individual services and well-thought-out double lives, with everything that goes with it. Many of our customers regularly contact the Alibi Agenut or have even booked subscriptions.
„We’d expose criminals.“ Stefan Eiben
The services provided by the Alibi Agency are by no means about supporting criminal activities. Rather, it’s all about making the lives of the customers who turn to us easier.

The services of the alibi agency offer free space to switch off. Just as you can protect your privacy. Not everyone needs to know everything about you. That is what we are here for.
As an alibi agency, we do not only offer our service to private individuals. We make sure that your event does not flop and that your ordered audience shows the desired enthusiasm. Enthusiasm is notoriously contagious. According to this motto: “It doesn’t matter what you are, but what people think of you”, the alibi service ensures a successful image.
Or as the Americans say, “Fake it, until you make it!“
Lies for a good cause
According to a study by psychologists at the Department of Communications at the University of Michigan with 1,000 American citizens, people lie right on average once or twice a day and smaller lies more than 100 times a day.
An international team of researchers also found that so-called “white lies”, i.e. prosocial lies, do not harm, but strengthen social networks in contrast. So it is scientifically proven that lies for a good cause actually exist. “Prosocial lies can even increase the complexity and ties in a network,” says Gerardo I’iguez of The Aalto University School of Science. Together with his colleagues, he has researched the subject of prosocial lies and has concluded that white lies strengthen ties and social networks and are conducive to peaceful coexistence in society.
These customers contact us
Our clients include officers of the Bundeswehr, politicians, policemen and celebrities as well as businessmen, housewives and students. We can’t reveal much more about our better-known customers. It should be said, however, that almost everyone can use an alibi agency at some point in their or their lives.
Here are some examples of situations where customers contact us to make use of our service.

Expert emergency lies
Affair and sidestep
A typical reason why customers contact us for alibis. In fact, our orders from this division amount to just under 15 percent. Classically, evidence of business trips are produced here as a pretext that make a relaxed double life possible. Even anonymous hotel reservations and postcards from abroad can complete the service for the perfect sidestep. In order to be able to create the right meadows and find credible excuses, we ask exactly the lifestyle soundation and the personal circumstances, so we can think of suitable alibis.
Recapture ex-girlfriend
It is difficult, but often not impossible, to reclaim the ex-boyfriend, even if there is already a new friend. If there is a hint of a chance, Stefan Eiben’s Alibi Agency helps with a lot of sensitivity and little tricks in bringing two people together.
End of relationship
It can sometimes be very difficult to end a relationship. Some partners don’t take the conversation seriously. Eighty percent of the clients who hire us as professional finishers are female. This is also due to the fact that women in particular are afraid of possible hand-wringing when they announce the end of their relationship to their partner. Here we also like to commission a compatriot with foreign (ex) partners, who speaks plain text in the mother tongue and unequivocally ends the relationship. Often two unhappy people can become two happy singles.
In addition, we can organize actors who pretend to be new friends or girlfriends. This underlines the finality of the separation and gives the customer a sense of security.
It’s not always just sad or difficult moments when customers engage us. If you want to organize an unforgettable marriage proposal as a surprise, you can use the full program.
Book. Actors, compasses and preparations, so that no suspicion arises, we organize professionally. Now he or she just has to say “yes”!

Solving relationship problems
It doesn’t have to be about wedding or finishing. Relationship problems can manifest themselves in all possible forms and are sometimes based only on misunderstandings. We solve them or thread the right situation with Hilde von Komparsen and actors, so that things get back on track. Years of squabbles and misunderstandings we eliminate and bring people and families back together.
Whether it’s family stress or the boss who calls at any hour, even when you’re on holiday or at work, sometimes everything is just too much. Everyone needs a well-deserved break and the opportunity to relax and just focus on themselves. We invent the perfect excuse for you and create evidence that justifies your unreachability for a certain period of time.
Anything is possible right up to a secret holiday – with the perfect alibi.
Keep work a secret
Porn actors, strippers, camgirls, and escorts – not all of them want to tell their grandma how they earn a living. Nobody wants to be responsible for their grandmother’s heart attack. That’s why we provide fictitious work credentials for the invented career and a series of evidence such as documents, business cards and phone calls to keep the actual work secret.
Booking audiences for events is by no means uncommon in relevant circles. Of course, no one hangs it on the big bell. The fact is that startups in particular rely on a large and enthusiastic audience for their image campaign at events. This is the only way to arouse further interest among sponsors and potential customers.
Also astonishingly many newcomers in the music scene made the breakthrough only after the right audience cheered them at concerts.
Artist agencies book for your asterisks, speakers and artists equally enthusiastic fans and audiences. The clients of the artist agency themselves are unaware of this.
Fictional boyfriend / fictional girlfriend
Not all people who are gay can or want to get out of their family immediately. That’s why we provide gays with the perfect girlfriend who (fresh from drama school) eats cakes at Mum’s home. We also engage calls from the “friend” so that the conservative father still has no idea that the daughter is a lesbian and actually has a girlfriend. At some point, perhaps the right time will come to get out. In the meantime, we are ensuring family peace.
Professional reasons can also be decisive for this.
Diseases or cosmetic surgery
Sometimes we have particularly serious tasks, such as when we are tasked with concealing illnesses from employers, colleagues, customers or family members. Protecting the family or not losing the job can be reasons why people engage us in these situations. Unfortunately, being discriminated against because of illnesses in business and private life is the order of the day. We create alibis to give sick people a good life.
Women and men alike use the alibi agency for secret cosmetic surgery abroad. After all, not everyone is concerned about anything.
Fictional journeys
No matter why you want to pretend to be in New York, Rio or Tokyo, we thread everything for you. Fake train tickets and airline tickets in your name, false addresses and postcards from abroad with your handwriting make the world trip credible. This is underlined by professionally manipulated holiday photos and the alibi is credible and can be spread on social networks such as Facebook and Instagram.
Address in foreign countries
Having Buxtehude on your business card is not conducive to any entrepreneurial activity. It is much cooler to be able to specify the company headquarters in a fashionable world metropolis. This makes your own company more interesting in the eyes of potential business partners and gives customers a semblance of cosmopolitanism. Even if you want to pretend to have a home address abroad for private reasons, this is possible thanks to us. How about London, Paris, Dubai, Singapore, Seoul, Barcelona, Milan, Rome, Vienna or Berlin, for example?
The moral of the alibi agency
Lies are our daily bread. We support every situation and do not form a judgment. As a service provider, we are committed to loyalty to our customers. We do not make moral or other judgments. We believe that our service can help customers to be happier and to spare them, as well as other people, suffering.
“Helping people from desperate situations is part of our everyday life. Why you contact us is in any case entirely up to you. We always act without prejudice and are happy to provide you with our services,” says Stefan Eiben.